Choose the retainer

that’s right for you!


$3k /month

10 points monthly


  • 1 month rollover of unused hours

  • Does NOT include a draw

Basic Retainer includes:

  • Project management and two rounds of revision are baked in

  • Email support

  • MOGRTs creation

  • Additional hours can be purchased when retainer hours have been exhausted


$7k /month

25 points monthly


  • 1 month rollover of unused hours

  • 1 month draw of hours

Includes Basic, plus:

  • Kickoff video conference included for new projects


$10k /month

35 points monthly


  • 2 month rollover of unused hours

  • 2 month draw of hours

Includes Standard, plus:

  • Rush Available (2X HOURS)

  • One downgrade allowed in 12 month period


$15k /month

50 points monthly


  • 2 month rollover of unused hours

  • 2 month draw of hours

Includes Pro, plus:

  • Multiple agency level retainers may be stacked to suit larger needs.

  • was designed with brands and agencies in mind...for all the small animation projects in between bigger ones that get bid out. Social posts, PSA's, content calandars... glooo was created to help you feed the content beast, quickly and efficiently with a streamlined workflow.

  • We understand that each organization is unique, requiring specific features to support your workflows and your clients projects. Above you can see the features included in the different retainers to support your needs. If you need help in choosing the right retainer for your organization, reach out to our team.

  • There is no free trial. But we will setup up a live demo of the creative briefing and estimate process as well as a walk-thru of the pricing tiers to decide which one is best for your needs.

  • All retainers run one year in duration and do not allow cancellations. However some of the tiers allow for one downgrade in a given 12 month period.

  • You can upgrade retainer tiers during the one year term. Additionally, some retainer levels allow for a one time downgrade during the one year term.

  • Additional hours are available at per/hour rate with all retainer levels. Some retainer levels also allow you to draw hours forward from the next month.

  • You simply fill out the convenient online creative brief form to get the ball rolling!

  • No... but you wouldn't really want that. Some artists are better at certain types of animation than they are at others... while some animators specialize in specific types of animation or parts of the process. We will always partner you with the right artist(s) for your brief.

  • We do not deliver 2D and 3D project files. However all currently offered retainer levels support the creation and delivery of MOGRT files. Certain vector files created as part of a design phase may be considered deliverables as well. Finally textless deliverables can always be requested.

  • is strictly retainer based.

  • Your retainer hours are easily managed through your online client dashboard.

  • accepts scheduled ACH payments as well as credit card. Credit Card payments are subject to a 4% processing fee. Charges are billed on the 1st business day of every month.

Frequently Asked Questions: